An Austrian Creamy Wine Soup
My husband had this creamy wine soup in Austria years ago during a professional collaboration with an Italian entrepreneur. Quite frequently they held meetings with an austrian subcontractor, and they enjoyed this super delicious soup before going back home. He always came back to Denmark, where we lived at that time, and told me about this fantastic and creamy soup.
All this happened before he started living the Low Carb High Fat Lifestyle, and as the soup is quite heavy he felt a little guilty about it. Later he succeeded getting the recipe and nowadays we both enjoy this creamy soup. I recommend it for chilly or rainy days. Also smaller portions as a starter even on bright and sunny days 🙂 Your guests would love it!
How To Make The Austrian Creamy Wine Soup
Serves 4
Serve the crispbread together with the soup
250 ml pork stock or broth. Any stock would do, I believe
250 ml white wine
250 ml cream
6 egg yolks
Salt & freshly ground pepper
Nutmeg & eventually chili
Drizzle parmesan and/or coriander on top
Very slowly you heat up the stock, the wine, the egg yolks, the cream together with cinnamon and salt. Keep the heat low while beating the ingredients to a creamy soup. You add the pepper and the grated nutmeg as you like it. Serve as hot as possible and style it with parmesan in flakes (which I forgot) or chili.
Tips & Tricks We had a little bit left last time we enjoyed this soup, and we heated it next day, and had it as a super delicious sauce together with fried chicken. Chicken always should be accompanied by a little fat. Voila!